Saturday, August 4, 2007

Audio Moblog

This is an example of what one can do with mobile blogging, also know as "moblogging" -- through a service like Hipcast one can call a phone number, type in a PIN, record an audio message, and have that message assigned and posted to your blog.

This could be useful if one found themselves at the scene of a newsworthy event and felt like being a citizen journalist. One's audio messages from the front lines could be heard by anyone on the internet within seconds of being recorded.

MP3 File

Podcast recorded with hipcast

This is a podcast.  The difference between a podcast and an audio blog is that with podcasts, media files are delivered to the subscriber, whereas with an audio blog the media lives within the blog. 

Click the orange XML "chicklet" to subscribe to this podcast series.

Video from Hipcast

This is a piece of video recorded on Hipcast, through a browser, using a built-in laptop mic and camera.  Video podcasts are just like podcasts, except that the enclosed media file contains video.

Click the orange XML "chicklet" to subscribe to this video podcast series.

First podcast

Here is a link to the podcast we made in class and uploaded through Libsyn. To subscribe to this series, click the link Libsyn in the sidebar under Podcasts.